Thursday, October 8, 2009

Omaha, Nebraska

Saturday my husband and I hopped on a couple of planes and made it to Omaha. I was beyond excited to finally meet Kelley Ryden and Tracy Raver...I tried very hard not to drool all over myself. :)

I felt like a little kid on Christmas Eve as I prepared my equipment and double checked my list of things I needed to have with me. Monday morning I was up and out the door to make the short drive out to their studio. Nebraska really is beautiful. So calm and peaceful...I can see why people love it.

The class started with our newborn models and they were all so precious. Each with their own personality and cute as buttons. I got a lot of helpful tips and met some other great photographers in the process. Half the battle of a good photo is the set up but the other half is taking your photos and editing them to make i hem beautiful. That afternoon we looked at the editing part and again, lots of great tips. Here's one of our little models...

I'm back at home now and ready to get my hands on some cuties!! Yes, I have one on the way but he will not be here until January. So in the meantime I need some newborns. Know of anyone that is about to have a baby? Send them my way!


Kylie said...

Congrats on your new baby. So glad you liked Nebraska :-)

Cassie said...

beautiful. sooo exciting! :)